Choose from hundreds of thousands of area rugs in our online Rugs. Shop now! We also offer a smaller in-store selection of rugs from Surya, as well as our custom Cut-A-Rug service where we'll custom-bind a carpet of your choice into a stylish area rug. Area rugs offer a simple way to define a space, make a smaller room look bigger, or just add a beautiful bit of color and design to your decor. Plus, area rugs are highly functional. Paired with the right rug pad, an area rug will protect your hard-surface flooring from foot traffic, heavy furniture, and general wear and tear.

Ready to update your kitchen? Bring new visual appeal in a practical workspace & gathering place for your family. Countertops create a space to cook, enjoy meals together and more. When choosing a material for your new countertops, consider how you typically use your kitchen and the style you want to create. Granite countertops are the ultra-smooth surface preferred by professional bakers. Crafted from beautiful natural stone, these surfaces offer strength and incredible heat-resistance. Discover quality granite countertop surfaces from Cambria & MSI when you shop with us at Johnston Paint & decorating in Columbia, MO.

Vinyl is the perfect choice for busy families who want easy maintenance & affordability but don't want to sacrifice on style and visual appeal. The durability of luxury vinyl is unmatched among synthetic flooring, and there are thousands of styles from which to choose. Whether you're looking for the look of wood, stone, ceramics, porcelain, metal or something else entirely, you'll find it all in our luxury vinyl catalog. Head on over to our vinyl inspiration gallery to see some of the latest in vinyl trends in luxury vinyl flooring.

Natural wood creates a luxurious yet inviting aesthetic, which makes it the ideal choice for a variety of interior design. Not only is it beautiful, but it's also easy to maintain. Its stain-resistant surface and overall durability mean that it will last for decades to come. At Johnston Paint & Decorating, you'll discover a wide range of high-quality hardwood flooring. With our vast collection of styles, you're sure to find your perfect hardwoods in our showroom. Browse our hardwood inspiration gallery.

Laminate flooring provides the style of natural wood or stone - without the high price tag. Laminate flooring is a low-maintenance option that can recreate any of your favorite designs. There are four main layers of laminate flooring: a surface wear layer, a photographic design of wood or stone, a core layer for additional strength, and a backing layer that provides moisture protection and additional stability. This process is what makes laminate flooring both durable and beautiful.

Every room requires a unique flooring solution. Consider who uses your space, how & how often, the features you'll want and the aesthetic you hope to achieve. Whenever you need help, our team is here for you! Tile is a low-maintenance and long-lasting material that provides a great alternative to carpet or wood. Versatile and durable ceramic, porcelain, or natural stone tiles allow you to easily tie together open areas of your home. Area rugs are beautiful and add a pop of color, but they do so much more than that.

For centuries, carpet has remained one of the most popular floor options for home design. Perfect for living rooms and bedrooms that can benefit from its irresistible warmth and softness, carpet is available in a variety of styles for every taste and budget. Visit the Johnston Paint & Decorating showroom in Columbia, MO showroom and choose from tens of thousands of carpet pile heights, colors and styles. We take care to stock such a vast selection so we can practically guarantee a little something for everyone.

When decorating with tile, there's practically no end to the design possibilities. Breathe new life into a bland kitchen or laundry room with a mosaic tile backsplash. Turn the bathroom the most appealing room in the house with iridescent colored pieces in your tiled shower or on your countertops. Inlay vibrantly colored patterns in entryway floors so guests get a beautiful first impression of your home as soon as they walk through the doorway. You can even install a full-scale abstract mural as the focal point of a room.

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Our friends over at Scout & Nimble have done SO MANY things...but they've never had a warehouse sale! Until now! Do yourself a favor and check this out...

Posted on Mar 02, 2021  •  Facebook

Big day at Johnston’s! Bailey Grieshaber started in June of 2015 as a high school student. Now she’s all graduated with a degree in Interior Design and joining us full time today. She looks forward to working with you on your next project!

Posted on Jan 04, 2021  •  Facebook