While we cannot display every item we carry, please enjoy a small sampling of the 200+ fine brands we offer. Quality products at discounted prices. We Carry thousands of items from hundreds of quality manufacturers. We use our furniture every day. Furniture actually performs a job. What many overlook is that furniture is not just function, it is form as well. In other words; that recliner is not just a place to sit. It may be a focal point of your day. When you come home from a long day, being able to slide into your recliner, or sink into your chaise lounge, or just plop down on your sofa, is a significant factor in what the furniture means to you.
In 1969, Pasadena Furniture Bargain Barn started with a simple concept. Provide personal service, at low prices, on top quality products. This family owned business has stayed true to its founders. Now in its third generation of ownership, the Furman family has refined this basic idea into a winning formula! This philosophy allows PFBB to thrive where others struggle. Through the down times and the boom times, Pasadena Furniture Bargain Barn has practiced sound, ethical, business techniques. Give the customer such good service, and low prices, that they always want to return.
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As 2020 comes to its end, spruce up your house with new furniture! 713-473-1903