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Editor’s Spotlight from Designers Today - Moe's Home Nash coffee table. Editor-in-chief Jane Dagmi notes each table is constructed from refined Kailashpuri white marble, ensuring each one will be uniquely patterned. https:// highpointmarket. org/ products-and-tre nds/ editors-spotligh t-designers-tod ay
Editor’s Spotlight from Designers Today - Leftbank Art's ‘Eavesdropping’ by David Erickson. Editor-in-chief Jane Dagmi describes the painting as having a commanding but quiet presence, and says it adds a beautiful dose of subdued color to a room. See more at https:// www.highpointmar ...
Editor’s Spotlight from Designers Today - Hooker Furniture Corporation’s Cascade chair. Editor-in-chief Jane Dagmi notes that her product choice is upholstered with performance fabric and accented with lacquered burlap. Read the full Editor's Spotlight - https:// highpointmarket. org/ products-and-tre...
Editor’s Spotlight from Designers Today - Currey & Company Dryer ottoman. Editor-in-chief Jane Dagmi says, “As handsome as it is handy, the cathedral-inspi red Dyer ottoman from Currey & Company is a stylish solution for pull-up or pull-apart seating, depending upon the social distance one seeks.” ...
Looks To Look For: Textured Everything. DesignTV by Sandow and High Point Market Style Spotters get a good feeling…
IdeaStreams - An Interview with @candiceolson_. Join @luxemagazine Executive Editor, Brittany Chevalier McIntyre, a…
Did you miss last week's IdeaStreams: Path to Profitability? Catch up on the conversation -…
Join us today at 2pm for IdeaStreams: Path to Profitability. Register now at #HPMKT (1 CEU…
Editor’s Spotlight from @FLD_mag - Pacific Coast Lighting Finley lamp. This product caught Diane Falvey’s eye becau…
Registration is now open for Spring 2021 High Point Market, June 5-9. Register now at…