Aon Water Technology provides water treatment systems for Alabama; from Huntsville and Birmingham, to Montgomery. Brilliantly engineered to be simply the most efficient and effective water softeners, drinking water systems, and water filters for home, business, and commercial. Aon Water Technology is the area's Authorized Independent Kinetico Dealer. Our water experts put their very best thinking into designing water treatment products that remove just about everything from water that isn't water.

Returning to Alabama in 2002, our family found the quality of water lacking. Trying a number of store purchased water filtration products without success, we went looking for the best. As a Master Plumber and Mechanical Engineer I had the chance to evaluate a broad range of filtration devices. We finally came across the Kinetico brand. A trip to the factory in Newbury Ohio to meet the engineers and the folks who build the product convinced me that Kinetico had the best products on the market. Personally living with Psoriasis for 30 plus years, having soft chlorine free water is a must.

Plastic water bottles may be convenient, but they're a scourge on the environment. In fact, the amount of oil used annually to make plastic water bottles is enough to fuel 100,000 cars for a year. Kinetico Water Systems is dedicated to being a trusted, sustainable source for clean, drinking water. Water coolers eliminate plastic water bottles at home and in the workplace without sacrificing the purified water we all crave! With a never-ending source of fresh drinking water, our point-of-use water dispenser needs only a touch of a button to dispense chilled and filtered, crystal-clear water, including the option of hot water at any time.

Kinetico's commercial water softener systems are designed to handle the varying water demands of your individual business - from the smallest intermittent process, to the largest continuous flow application. Kinetico's industrial-strength, non-electric commercial water softeners operate on actual water demand (high efficiency), lowering your maintenance costs and saving you salt, water, money and time. Kinetico's CP Series water softeners are made to handle commercial applications. Used to provide soft water to a boiler, water heater, car wash, or reverse osmosis system, CP Series softeners perform reliably and efficiently, with no downtime for regeneration.

Your water is unique just like your business. Water touches every aspect of the guest experience. Off tastes and odors impact that experience and everything that uses water as an ingredient. Kinetico's products are designed to address these concerns and protect your brand by improving the most important ingredient within your beverages and ice. CP Series filters are customizable and capable of providing fairly large quantities of constant, filtered water. CP Series Water Filtration Systems are often used to provide sediment or chlorine protection to several commercial equipment like ice makers or drinking water stations, or as a pre-treatment to a large reverse osmosis system, like Kinetico's TL Series.

What's new?

Service oriented plumber focusing on the scheduled installation of water filtration systems for residential, commercial, and industrial customers.

Posted on Mar 09, 2021  •  Facebook

Each month we want to spotlight the water quality of a local city! How we determine city water quality is looking for these three things: the grains of Calcium (dissolved rock), the milligrams per gallon of Chlorine (bleach), and the Total Dissolved Solids (magnesium, potassium, sodium,...

Posted on Feb 03, 2021  •  Facebook