Chamlin & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1952 and currently maintains offices in Peru, Ottawa and Morris, Illinois. From the beginning, our firm of consulting engineers, planners, and land surveyors believed in quality and personalized service. We are currently engineers for more than 30 municipalities in Bureau, Grundy, Henry, Kendall, LaSalle, Lee, Livingston, Marshall, Putnam and Will Counties. The cost of consulting engineering service is relatively small in relation to the total cost of a project.

Chamlin & Associates, Inc. has 4 registered land surveyors and 4 survey crews to accommodate any project. Drone equipment and FAA certified operators provide aerial survey views. Designers and CAD operators utilize the latest versions of AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Microstation, and Power Geopak software for preparation of survey plats and design drawings.

Chamlin & Associates, Inc.'s engineers and planners provide expert planning services to the State, municipalities, commercial and residential developers.