Advanced Alarm Technology can be installed anywhere there is a cell signal - no need for power cords, phone lines or internet services that construction sites often lack, especially in the early stages. Since construction sites. Energy companies require a security solution for substations that is effective, affordable and scalable-We are the answer! Unlike CCTV cameras or DVR-based systems, Videofied does not need to be on the. Our systems can be installed with only a cell tower signal for communication - no need for the traditional AC power, phone line or internet requirements that remote sites often lack.

AAT delivers faster police response to an actual crime because the human operators filter out false alarms. AAT systems provide responsive security to a large variety of commercial, industrial and construction sites and applications from large building sites and offices to remote mining plants and urban substations. AAT is a standalone burglar alarm but can be added to existing alarm installations as an "upgrade kit" providing wireless video verification as an enhancement to the current system. Choose either 12V DC power or lithium batteries.