Kelly Earthworks is a septic system service and repair company based out of Olympia, WA. We have been servicing the area for over 28 years and have a reputation for being the best at what we do.

Thurston County requires certain types of septic systems to be maintained regularly by a Certified Monitoring Specialist. Kelly Earthworks offers the best care for your system and fulfills your county obligation with pride. Professional monitoring and maintenance is the key to the life and performance of your system! It is important to understand your particular type of septic system in order to care for it properly and avoid costly repairs.

If it's been 5 years or longer, your septic system should probably be inspected. If you're not sure, or are just looking for some general advice about your septic system/septic tank - call us, we are glad to help out. On average tanks tend to go about 3-4 years without needing to be pumped. Sometimes tanks can last longer, especially if you avoid harsh chemicals (like bleach) and have moderate to low use. If you are concerned your tank may need to be pumped soon, call us for an inspection. We will give you an estimate of how much longer your tank can go before requiring a pump.