I love my website! It does EVERYTHING I wanted in a professional site. I get to show my skill set. It acts as a portfolio. The format and background makes it feel like a coffee table book. The blog serves multiple functions by giving me a forum, satiating my need to blog, educating the public, and building my website. The online estimating form has work extremely well for web savvy potential clients to get me critical information in a pre-meeting. Thank you Ross! As the owner of the Santa Cruz/Aptos Optometric Centers and Spex Eyewear, I would like to thank Ross at Tree Top Design for the exceptional work on our new website.
Design trends for 2021 https://t.co/B5zmxqKdCb
Mobile optimization is a must in today's world https://t.co/BVrjAaO1DW
Pantone color of the year announced https://t.co/d7VilJSB08
Cloud storage in 2020 https://t.co/gY0pnjuuwu
Targeting your competitor's key words in your SEO plan https://t.co/5audxb1c7S
Website design an 5G https://t.co/YEbRZI5OJd
Wondering if the internet still has a "fold"? Here is a great resource on the subject. http:// abovethefold.fyi /
With Thanksgiving on the near horizon, NPR looks at a history of American recipes found in the historical documents in Duke University's David M. Rubenstein Rare Books & Manuscript Library. Would you be brave enough to try any of these?
Happy Halloween Weekend from Tree Top Web Design! Listen to a classic record of spooky sounds from 1979!