Tomorrow's timber stands will grow from seedlings planted today-provided they're planted with care. All the money, time and effort a forest landowner devotes to the regeneration of a forest stand (site preparation, vegetation management, seedling purchases, etc.) will mean very little without a quality planting job. Tree seedlings are handled, stored and planted with care to ensure the highest survival rate. Miller Timber Services, Inc. has replanted thousands of acres of forest land over the last 25 years.
Check out this article by Pacific University featuring one of Miller Timber’s own wildland firefighters, Joseph Schmitz. Joseph was part of a crew we sent to the Echo Mountain fire in Lincoln City in the 2020 season. This is a great article talking about how students stepped up to help our own state...
Join our team out on the fire line this summer! Miller Timber’s wildland firefighting training academy has scheduled class dates as soon as this weekend! With training modified around current COVID restrictions, Miller Timber has the training to get you fire ready.
Great photos from one of our incredible Ponsse operators!
Join us out on the fireline as we head into fall, our crews travel nationwide for fire response. Miller Timber Services will be offering an entry-level fire training September 15th-18th, 2020. Please apply on-line at our website at https:// www.millertimber .com/careers
Salvage Logging the Gap Fire 2017.
Take a look at our new careers page at
Now Hiring for Wildland Firefighters, Equipment Operators and Truck Drivers. Stop by our office or give us a call.…
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