We want to make you aware that our phone number, (815) 901-8860, has been spoofed by another company. They are making hundreds of calls in our area using our phone number. Responsive Roofing NEVER cold calls! We apologize for any inconvenience. Many of our competitors offer "options." We include several of these options as part of our standard service beginning with our products. Because we use IKO products, we are able to offer an upgrade on the manufacturers' warranty extending. We use Midway Windows and Doors for all of our window replacement needs.

My name is Ron Hilliard, and I own and operate Responsive Roofing, LLC. We are licensed through the State of Illinois and our roofers' license number is 104-016284. A Lifetime resident of Northern Illinois, my office is located in DeKalb. Our roof, siding, window, and gutter experts are experienced in providing professional and quality services focusing on the communities of DeKalb, Sycamore, and Genoa. We proudly serve DeKalb, Kane, and the surrounding counties. Responsive Roofing is a reputable, reliable, professional, and affordable exterior residential contractor specializing in asphalt shingle roof replacement.

Many of our competitors offer "options". We include several of these options as part of our standard service beginning with our products. Because we use Certain Teed products, we are able to offer an upgrade on the manufacturers' warranty extending it from 30 years to limited lifetime with a 130 mph wind rating. We do this by installing every shingle with 6 nails instead of the industry standard of 4. We also use starter shingles along all eaves and rakes. These differences are completed according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

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