T.L.C. Organic Lawn Care is completely safe for children, pets AND the environment! Now there is a Safe Alternative to chemicals and pesticides. You don't have to worry about keeping your children or pets off the lawn, tracking chemical toxins into your house or polluting water. You can immediately resume all outdoor activities after T.L.C. Organic Lawn Care has left your lawn. If you love your kids - with fur and without, it only makes sense to do what's best for them! We serve all of Monroe County!
In 2004 owner Tim Wiesmore became concerned with the overuse of pesticides and herbicides in the landscaping industry. Extensive research found that these chemically treated lawns were harmful to both homeowners and the environment. In response to this, T.L.C. Organic Lawn Care was born. We use 100% natural organic materials that are great for your lawn and healthy for you! Tim Wiesmore is a N.O.F.A accredited professional who was taught by the leaders of the organic industry. His focus is on building healthy soil that teams with living things.
The T.L.C. ECO Lawn Program uses a combination of organic fertilizers and traditional products to achieve a healthy lawn. Pre-emergent crabgrass control, and grub and surface insect control are an integral part of this program. If you're thinking of switching to a more organic treatment for your lawn but still want the effectiveness of traditional products, our hybrid lawn care program is for you. This program combines our unique organic fertilizer with traditional fertilizing compounds to promote a healthy lawn that is safer for your family and pets.