ITMS has created 100% natural, organic based products to care for your lawn and ornamental landscape, which are designed to rebuild the structure of your soil. We will create a custom, ecologically sound system specifically for your needs. Our objective is to remove and eliminate the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides, providing superior service and aesthetic value to develop green plants and blue water. ITMS will warrantee any new lawn or ornamental landscape that is installed this season following a complete inspection and analysis of your lawn and landscape and you choose to use the ITMS system.

Now is the time to plan for changes to your landscape in the spring. Pull out some paper and create some designs! Do you want to change the color scheme, change plants, change bed shapes or just add to the landscape you have currently? There are so many plants, shrubs and trees to choose from so make. Synthetic fertilizers are sold to most homeowners with the idea to apply three to four times a year. These fertilizers are concentrated, water-soluble nutrients that feed your grass immediately. The grass is very green, but did you know that the excess can wash out of the root area and into the watershed?

You have all heard that mulching your plant beds is aesthetically pleasing, promotes moisture for your plants and reduces weeds, but did you know it does so much more? Mulch in your beds keeps the soil cool in the summer and warm in the winter, reduces stress in shallow-rooted plants, encourages beneficial organisms and provides nutrients to the soil for your plants. The healthiest plants have a good supply of nutrients and water which mulch plays a big part in supplying. Choosing the best mulch for your needs may be a tough decision.

What's new?

We would like to say thank you to all Veterans and current military for their service to our great country. We honor you and all that you do.

Posted on Nov 11, 2014  •  Facebook


Posted on Sep 27, 2012  •  Twitter

Have a fun and safe 4th of july.

Posted on Jul 04, 2012  •  Twitter

Group fishing trip today down in rock hall md.

Posted on Jun 20, 2012  •  Twitter

Rain :)

Posted on Apr 22, 2012  •  Twitter

Fall is a great time to renovate your turf after this past hot and dry summer. Check out http:// for more information and to request an estimate!

Posted on Sep 22, 2011  •  Facebook

Check out our new commercial! http:// watch?v=f4eW6pqw OOI

Posted on Jul 18, 2011  •  Facebook

Have a Stink Bug problem? Read how to get rid of Stink Bugs here!

Posted on Jun 21, 2011  •  Facebook

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