Down to Earth Lawn Care has been providing quality residential and commercial lawn care services for more than 25 years. Our team of licensed professionals can provide you complete lawn care services, tree and shrub care. Growing a beautiful lawn can be a lot of work if you do it all yourself. But if you enlist the aid of the pros at Down to Earth Lawncare, you can have a fabulous looking lawn for a whole lot less effort. When you call Down to Earth Lawn Care, you'll be able to count on us to keep your lawn in great shape all year long.
Almost every program that deals with lawn fertilization is based upon the amount of Nitrogen. Nitrogen is used by grass in the largest amount. In addition, you want to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum amount or it can cause damage to your lawn. So you first have to determine how much nitrogen your grass needs based upon the type of grass you have and then determine how to apply that nitrogen over the growing season. Next, you'll need to know the correct amounts based on what time of the year it is.
Most people don't realize but studies show that the landscaping around your home can be worth up to 15% of the value of your home. As crazy as that sounds, just think about it, and first impressions. Why treat just your lawn? Bushes and Shrubs need attention too to keep from dying and turning brown. Certain insects can attach themselves and cause catastrophic damage. In addition, fertilizers (based on the tree or shrub) can help promote growth, adding to the value of your home. So whether your getting ready to sell your home, or you want to be the envy of your neighbors, you might want to give us a call.