AFFILIATES: AAA Air Care, air conditioning, heating, cooling, heat pumps, service, installation, comfort, indoor air quality, mold diagnostics | AL Lic. When installing solar, you are able to drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bills completely. Imagine how much you could save to spend on a family trip somewhere once a year. Or buy that new phone you've been wanting, the benefits are incredible. Multiple studies have found that homes equipped with solar energy systems have higher property values and sell more quickly than non-solar homes.

No, solar panels may also be mounted directly on the ground on a rack. However, roof mounting is generally preferred for several reasons. It is usually easier to find an unobstructed area on the roof large enough to accommodate a solar panel array. There is less potential for shading on the roof. There is less risk of damage to a roof mounted system. In most cases, no. Modern pools are being designed with 1 or 1.5 horse power pumps, enough power to run all of your pool equipment and water features with plenty of reserve to circulate through the solar panels.