The Las Cruces Home Builders Association supports its members and the building industry throughout the Mesilla Valley. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities, advocate for regulations that benefit a strong housing market, and ensure members are provided the resources necessary to continue improving the quality of life in our community. As we ring in the new year, I hope that you're feeling the same excitement and sense of opportunity ahead as I feel. 2021 will be a great opportunity for us to take on new challenges and grow in every way.

What's new?

https:// advocacy/ top-priorities/ material-costs/ solving-the-lumb er-crisis

Posted on Mar 12, 2021  •  Facebook

Alrighty folks, bids are coming in stronger and there is only today and tomorrow to bid on your favorite item(s). Scholarships to a few lucky seniors will be awarded at the end of April.

Posted on Mar 08, 2021  •  Facebook

https:// 2021/03/ icc-changes-its- energy-code-dev elopment-proces s/

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Facebook

Builders & Blood #constantcontact

Posted on Jul 10, 2015  •  Twitter

August will be our "Get Away" month at the LCHBA... Are you in? (details to follow)

Posted on Jun 30, 2015  •  Twitter