Corpus Christi Garage Door Repair offers residential and commercial repairs and installation services in Corpus Christi, Rockport, Aransas Pass, Port Aransas and all the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the only time that most people think about their overhead garage doors, is when they come across Murphy's Third Law, which states that, "If anything can go wrong, it will." We've had many customers reach out to us with an emergency-they discover that they can't get into or out of them due to an inoperable overhead door, so they can call our team.

After years in the industry, we've learned that damage and wear on your garage doors are inevitable, especially those with numerous moving parts. If you are starting to notice wear or hear grinding sounds as you try to open or close, it is high time to do a routine inspection and call one of our experts for a service to avoid accidents and malfunctions as well as prevent more costly repairs in the future. One of the most common problems our customers face is broken springs which happens to be one of the areas that we specialize in.