I am so glad you found my website. This tells me a friend or a neighbor, or maybe someone in your family recommended my name. I have been sparkle-cleaning windows for folks just like you since 2008, and I take pride in what I do. In all these years in business, I have learned what every home owner, every business owner expects certain things from the guys who clean their windows. I don't know how I overlooked writing this review but here we are, 4 months and our windows still look FANTASTIC! I was one of those suckers that purchased one of those AS SEEN ON TV window cleaning products and it lip left spots and a film on our windows.

In early 2008, I was working in the RV industry as the economy was collapsing around me. I quickly found myself searching for ideas as to how I was going to pay bills and support my household. It's interesting looking back in hindsight how God provides answers to our prayers in the most unexpected ways. A good friend of mine suggested that we wash windows to supplement our income. To be honest, I didn't think it was a good idea but it seemed to be my only option. In business, most new owners have something to invest.