Nebraska State Pest Control Association is a group of people with a goal to educate its members on the newest and most important pest news and documentation. The Nebraska State Pest Control Association functions, in part, to provide educational opportunities to its members and other interested parties. To meet that aim, the Association, through its various committees, holds a variety of seminars and lectures on topics as diverse as the biology and control of specific pest species to proper pest inspection and identification procedures to environmental awareness and safety issues and practical business topics as well.

A. Any pest control firm licensed under the State of Nebraska in the PCO Structural category or the PCO General category to perform pest control services and which has as its primary activity the application of pesticides is eligible to one Active Membership providing said pest control firm fulfills the following requirements. B. Firms assigned Joint Membership shall designate representatives to act as their agents in the conduct of Association affairs. C. Firms assigned Joint Membership must attend at least (1) meeting per year in order to vote on any bylaw changes.