H Pre-cast has a wide range of quality products that are sure to meet your needs. We take great pride in our work, and it shows in each and every project. We conduct consistent, ongoing tests to make sure that we are delivering superior concrete products. We also understand that each project is unique, and may have its own set of specific requirements. If you can't find what you're looking for, please do not hesitate to ask us about getting a custom estimate.

H Pre-Cast has been supplying concrete products to the Northwest's infrastructure market since 1984. We handcraft a wide variety of ready-set as well as custom pre-cast products. If you're looking for something unique to your business or job specification, we can help you achieve your goal. We take great pride in what we do and it shows through the quality of our products. View the Precast Inc. article about us here. Located in East Wenatchee, Washington, we proudly serve the transportation, utility and private industries with unmatched customer service.