This is your one-stop shop for home appliance repair in Austin, TX. You can stop covering your kid's ears because your words are going to start sounding a lot more like "that was easy" and "done already?" So don't waste another minute stressing about warm milk, damp clothes, or dirty dishes. (But you might want to toss out the milk.) Give us a call RIGHT NOW and see how fast we will get your home back to work! Your appliance repair professional is only a phone call away.
Dishwasher Repair

You want clean dishes again. We'll help you get them.

Refrigerator Repair

Spoiled food is not only a nuisance, it is a waste of your hard earned money! We'll fix your fridge for a fraction of the cost of a replacement and ensure your food stays fresh.

Oven & Stovetop Repair

When you want to cook a healthy meal for your friends and family, the last thing you want to do is guess about the temperature of your oven or avoid that finicky burner on your stovetop. If your oven or stovetop is letting you down, call ATX Appliance Fixers and we'll get your oven or stovetop fixed right away.