Our combination of extensive concrete repair and restoration experience (Mudjacking since 1952) industry knowledge, together with leading edge technologies and time tested methods we can provide cost effective and time savings for virtually any concrete problem. We provide services for all markets including industrial, commercial, construction, government, municipal and residential. Our repair solutions are customized and available for infrastructures of all types, warehouses, industrial plants, refineries, parkades, offices, condos and private residences.

Concrete will sometimes move and shift as the ground underneath continues to settle over time. This can result in drainage problems, safety hazards, and an unsightly appearance, as well as other problems. Osco offers slab raising services in the greater Edmonton region to remedy sunken and uneven concrete and fill hidden voids, by lifting the concrete back to proper position. Osco is the ONLY company to offer both systems and as such, we can recommend the best solution for your particular situation.

Whether your garage floor has cracked or your driveway is no longer level, Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting offers a wide range of concrete services and treatments for residential properties throughout Alberta. Known as a trusted expert in concrete repair in Edmonton and surrounding areas, we can handle any size project with durable and attractive results. If your poured concrete driveway, sidewalk or patio settled unevenly because of underground moisture or shifting, you may also have drainage problems, safety hazards and lowered property value as a result.

Mudjacking with cementitious grout is a proven method of raising sunken concrete and filling voids. Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting's expertise through the decades has included all types of projects, from the routine to the one-of-a-kind. Our professional team can fill voids and raise slabs of all types - from residential driveways and sidewalks to warehouse and plant floors, to bridge approaches, tanks and silos and even oil rigs. Mudjacking and void filling with cementitious grout void filling in Edmonton provides an excellent budget conscious solution or preventive measure in situations where settlement has occurred or future stabilization is a concern.

Shot blasting describes the process in which a machine fires steel shot at high velocity directly at the surface of concrete in order to prepare it for the application of coatings or overlays. The machine recycles the shot and separates the residual floor material in one step, removing adhesive residue, dirt, oil, old markings, and other contaminants to leave a clean, bare, dry surface for that is ready for resurfacing. Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd offers commercial shot blasting in Edmonton and surrounding areas of Alberta at a competitive price.

Concrete is a tough, resilient and long lasting construction material. When it is installed correctly it can provide service for hundreds of years. However, despite its durability cracks can develop on any concrete surface, making concrete crack repairs in Edmonton a necessity. Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd offers concrete crack repair options for homes and businesses in Edmonton, Fort McMurray, and surrounding areas of Alberta. With more than six decades of experience we can identify issues related to structural damage and water leakage and provide solutions while protecting the structure against further damage.

Add value and safety to your home or business and reduce hazards with concrete restoration and repair in Edmonton/Northern & Central Alberta from OSCO Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd. The professional crews at Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd offer a multitude of repair and replacement options for all kinds of projects, including curb repairs, sump pit installations, trenches, parkade repairs and oil containment areas. We can also remove and replace concrete for sidewalks, ramps, and patios. From minor repairs to more complicated restoration projects, we do it all, including foundation repairs to large parking structures, bridges and roadways, parkades, condos, high rises and more.

As a property manager in Edmonton, finding a reliable concrete contractor for your property repair and restoration work can be challenging. Search no further. From shot blasting to complicated structural repairs, our team at Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd can provide concrete solutions for your concrete needs. We work with property managers and businesses in Edmonton, Fort McMurray, and surrounding areas and offer a wide range of concrete repair and restoration services for all kinds of construction projects.

Joint sealing and caulking play an important role in any concrete installation because they minimize the possibility of water infiltration, which can contribute to subgrade or subbase softening, erosion and other problems that can result in a loss of structural support and cause pavement settling or faulting. Today nearly every concrete installation includes joint sealing as a part of the process. Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd offers expert joint sealing and caulking in Edmonton to protect your home or business.

Customers often ask us, "How much will it cost to waterproof my basement?" That is like taking your car to a garage and asking, "How much will it cost to fix my vehicle?" The answer depends on what is wrong with it and what it will take to fix it. Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting Ltd offers commercial and residential basement waterproofing in Edmonton and surrounding areas to provide a solution that fits your needs and your budget. A free consultation and estimate performed by a trained and experienced estimator is the first step in ensuring your basement remains dry.

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Poor compaction, changing ground conditions, and/or developed voids can spell trouble for an oil rig. The experienced and professional team at Osco Mudjacking & Shotcreting has served the Canadian oil and gas industry since 1952, filling voids, raising rigs, and stabilizing the ground.

Posted on Jul 30, 2020  •  Facebook