HOME BUYERS, SELLERS and EXISTING OWNERS will benefit from the information provided by Ringen's Unbiased Inspections. Our home inspection service evaluates all working and non-working parts of a home to ensure safety, proper function and maintenance. THE SELLER should order the home inspection prior to listing their property for sale. The Seller can then use the report to find and address all issues relating to the home's systems and components. This gives the Seller ample time to obtain bids from various contractors, possibly saving a substantial amount of money.

Because there is NO licensing requirement of Home Inspectors in the State of California, ANYONE can (and many times do!) call themselves 'Home Inspectors'. This is a real tragedy for the sellers and buyers involved in the real estate transaction process as the information gleaned from their inspection and report is certainly going to be limited and may very well be inaccurate. Add to the fact that possible unqualified, inexperienced persons are passing themselves off as the Inspector that supposedly has your best interest at heart to the fact that the same so-called Inspector wasn't hired by you, but by your realtor, now you really have a recipe for disaster!