At Evergreen Foam Insulation, of Duluth, MN we offer an efficient, "green solution" closed cell and open cell spray foam, and blown in insulation to insulate your existing home, basement foundation, business, remodel, garage, crawlspace, or new construction project. Our friendly and knowledgeable installers will quickly install the proper insulation products to help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Learn more about our insulation services or contact Evergreen Foam Insulation today!

Many attics are poorly sealed, under insulated, and poorly vented. Air sealing an attic can be done two ways! The best option is to remove any insulation and spray a vapor barrier/air seal on entire attic floor with closed cell foam. If this is not an option, a local air seal on all accessible attic penetrations can be done. Venting is also very important in keeping an attic moisture free. We like to achieve an R50 with cellulose or fiberglass in all attic spaces over the foam air seal.

Evergreen Foam Insulation installs BASF closed cell and open cell spray foam insulation. We are locally owned and owner operated insulation company based in the Duluth / Superior area. The installation of the insulation system in your home or building is the foundation of this company. At Evergreen Foam Insulation, we pride ourselves on our customer service and satisfaction. We look forward to speaking with you about your insulation needs.