Extreme Roofing a local California area based roofing company. As the premiere contractor in Grass Valley, California, we choose to use only top quality roofing products and services techniques. We have aligned ourselves with the top roofing material manufacturers and suppliers. Our team of experienced professionals will help in determining the best possible solution be it repair or replacement along with assistance working with your insurance company. Whether you have roof damage or even if you need an instpection after a storm, we can guide you.

Extreme Roofing specializes in all types of roofing installation, including complex commercial roofing projects. We understand the diversity of the commercial roof systems, and we are certified by the leading manufacturers of commercial roofing material to install their products. We realize your business needs to keep operating during the roofing process We minimize our obstruction to parking facilities and entry ways to keep your operations flowing smoothly. Commercial flat roofs pose some of the greatest challenges for a roofing company.