Our residential window washing specialists are courteous, careful and well trained. We will respectfully care for your home's windows and protect your landscaping and furnishings. Plus of course; we are experienced, fully licensed, insured and bonded for your protection. We have the easy fix for the on-going problem of dirty windows. Sign up once now and your windows will be automatically cleaned for as long as you want them clean. You'll never need to think about it again - just sit back and bask in your improved outlook.
We don't hire high-school kids or seasonal help to clean your windows; on average our window cleaning technicians have been with us over 10 years (many 15-20+ years) and are clean cut, drug and smoke free, professional Window Cleaners, accustomed to working in many of the area's premier homes and offices. It takes over a year for us to consider a window cleaning technician trained, even more so for a residential window cleaner; so temporary - seasonal help is out of the question. Barry takes care of our Commercial Window Cleaning Clients.
Various specialty equipment is often required to facilitate commercial window cleaning; such as this light weight 85 ft aerial lift that can fit through double doors to access atrium and other high glass from the inside and not damage the floor and flooring. Sometimes we feel like some Architects lie awake nights dreaming up beautiful windows that can't be cleaned; and it is our job to safely clean them. Certain historic office buildings require unique safety equipment to perform the job. We are trained, certified, equipped and experienced in the performance of Belt Window Cleaning on commercial buildings, in accordance MIOSHA and the ANSI IWCA I-14 Window Cleaning Standard.
Within 2-3 business days a member of our Residential Team will come by and look at your windows from the outside. We will ring the doorbell to announce our arrival, but you do not need to be home. Looking for Online coupons or "Specials"? We offer seasonal and program discounts to our established clients; PLUS our normal window cleaning rates are already lower than every Groupon*, coupon or online "special" we've seen locally. Would you like to Simplify Your Life and Save 25% to 35%? Auto scheduled Exterior home window cleaning starting at just $79 per visit, 3x, 4x or 6x per year.
Dust particles, plant sap, and bird droppings are just a few of the things that can contribute to a build-up of dirt on your panels. Build up can shading and will prevent sunlight reaching the cells. This results in poor system perfomance, loss of efficiency and a loss of financial return for the owner and investor of solar power. We supply all of our purified water for your solar panel cleaning through the use of our water purification system we have for our vehicles. Our technicians at Great Lakes Window Cleaning are professionally experienced with the use of Water-Fed poles utilizing Purified water cleaning windows of homes and businesses all around Michigan and are trained to apply that experience to cleaning your solar panels.
The founder of Great Lakes Window Cleaning; Lianne (Fogg) Miller grew up in in the Leslie and Mason areas, her family roots go deep here. It's not just Lianne & (her husband) Steve cleaning all the home & business windows in Mason anymore either; we now have a very professional & courteous team of window cleaners, along with a very friendly, efficient and caring office support team. People that make all the difference and the reason we have so many loyal season-after-season window cleaning clients in Mason, Michigan.
Within 2-3 business days Barry, Lupe and/or Keifer, or a member of our Commercial Window Cleaning Team will contact you to discuss your image, cleaning and budgetary needs. See our post: How Often Should Commercial Windows Be Cleaned? Some of the main factors include, the number, type, location and frequency of cleaning. Other factors include; What equipment or additional skills may be required to gain access to the window; is it reachable by ladder? Will a lift be required-is there space and will the ground support a lift?