Whether you want to decrease your monthly energy bills, install a zoning system, program your thermostat to maximize efficiency, upgrade to a high efficiency heating and cooling system, or all of the above, you can trust Airflow. Airflow pioneered and has lead the geothermal technology in Virginia and the Charlottesville area and is the recognized leader in geothermal heat pump installations. We proudly install and service WaterFurnace Geothermal systems. The modern home has become tighter and more energy efficient, therefore the need for proper ventilation has become crucial to indoor air quality.

Airflow Systems is a family-owned, women-owned business with roots in the Charlottesville and Central Virginia region that dates back over 30 years. Our customers trust us to keep their families comfortable, with heating and cooling systems that meet their needs and their budgets. We never try to sell you a new system if your current system still has years of life left and is working properly. We will never try to sell you a new system if your current system still has years of life left. We will help you look for a more efficient system that can keep your energy costs down and last longer because it is doing less work.

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are energy efficient systems designed to tap the stored energy beneath the earth's surface. Throughout the year, outdoor temperatures fluctuate with the changing seasons. However, underground temperatures do not. In fact, about four to six feet below the earth's surface, temperatures remain relatively constant year round. A geothermal system, which consists of an indoor unit and a buried earth loop, taps into these constant temperatures. Compared to ordinary systems, geothermal technology can save you 30% to 60% on your monthly energy bills.

Although a qualified service technician should handle major maintenance, homeowners can also help keep the equipment running smoothly. Operating a dirty unit can cause unnecessary loss of efficiency and can damage the unit. Airflow can help you select the best cooling equipment for your home and help you determine potential energy saving. Although it's best for your qualified Airflow service technician to handle major maintenance on your furnace, there are a few procedures you can do at the beginning of each heating season to ensure a more comfortable winter.

What's new?

Spring is around the corner, and new construction is underway. Look at this incredible ductwork currently being done by an Airflow Crew. Stay tuned, for the installation of the equipment!

Posted on Mar 03, 2021  •  Facebook

Looks, like the sun is coming back out today!

Posted on Feb 23, 2021  •  Facebook

When inches of snow fall, they will build up on and around the unit. A heavy layer of snow could encase the unit which might damage the coil fins. Make sure to clean your system off, carefully and clear off the tops and sides of the outdoor cabinet as soon as possible, as well as the ground...

Posted on Feb 17, 2021  •  Facebook

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