Mission: To serve humanity by advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields. Vision: A healthy and sustainable built environment for all. The Strategic Plan-at-a-Glance provides a useful tool to quickly review the Goals and Initiatives of the plan in a two-page brochure format.
Through an elaborate committee structure, including committees and councils, ASHRAE policies are established by a Board of Directors comprised of Society members elected by the membership. Board members serve terms of one to three years, including the President who serves a one‐year term. The ASHRAE Board of Directors includes the Executive Committee, the Directors and Regional Chairs, and the Directors-at-Large. Below you'll find the current Board of Directors as well as access to the Board of Directors Minutes and Principal Motions.
Clarence Frank Birdseye II, who is considered the founder of the modern frozen food industry, and other innovators… https://t.co/IdmVm7zXMf
The theme of #WorldEngineeringDay2021 is #Engineering for a Healthy Planet, which recognizes the important work tha… https://t.co/1tngiYTM6g
The popular eLearning course “Indoor Environmental Conditions for Human Comfort,” has been updated and expanded to… https://t.co/nHRDUSJrcP
Gain a better understanding of HVAC fundamentals, equipment and systems with ASHRAE’s popular HVAC Design and Opera… https://t.co/CR4QX7c6Ay
Today is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! Help a girl imagine her future! Be a virtual role model and share how… https://t.co/F670wac46y
Whether you want to move forward in your career or you're searching for the most qualified candidates, the ASHRAE j… https://t.co/Jfs4TwURMc
It’s Engineers Week 2021, a time to celebrate the important work of engineers and engage the next generation of inn… https://t.co/t4uAyb5sF5
Watch the virtual behind-the-scenes tour of our new headquarters building led by Ginger Scoggins, Chair of the Buil… https://t.co/Y2LoP8CVsY
The U.S. Department of Energy and its National Laboratories announced the release of updated versions of their open… https://t.co/zmfLSsvUG4
Tune in February 18th from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EST for a FREE Social Media “How-To” Webinar, hosted by members from A… https://t.co/t8JNVsqh2w