Alaskan Air Conditioning and Heating is dedicated to outstanding customer service in all we do. Since our inception in 1972, we have made it our business to provide the best heating and cooling services in the Phoenix and Tucson, AZ areas, including installing the best HVAC systems on the market. We are authorized dealers for Rheem, Lennox, and Carrier, three of the most respected brands in the industry. HVAC systems from these brands have a reputation for long life and efficient function, and carry excellent warranties.

Alaskan Air Conditioning & Heating has provided air conditioning and heating services to the residents of Glendale, AZ and the surrounding areas since 1976! Our reviews from your Glendale, AZ neighbors tell why we're the trusted source for heating and air conditioning installation, repair and maintenance. Jeremy was very professional and very knowledgeable, and didn't pressure me or try to upsell me. He presented my repair options and gave me the quotes for each one. Overall, I could not be happier with the service and repair that Jeremy provided.