Bed bugs are likely the creepiest and worst creatures to infest your home. Bed bug removal is often extremely difficult and can be costly because of the scope of the infestation. Bakersfield Pest Control can be dispatched for any size bed bug infestation and is guaranteed to do a complete and thorough job. During travel, before you check into a hotel, check into the mattress. Carefully remove the sheets and examine the head section of the bed, look at the seams of the mattress as well as both sides of the head board.

Bakersfield Pest Control's Spider Control solution is one of the most comprehensive in the industry. No matter what size or type the spider, we can control and prevent spider propagation.

Roaches are notorious creatures that can stand high levels of radiation and reproduce quickly. Luckily, no bug is too difficult for Bakersfield Pest Control. We're sure to squat your roach issue so that you don't have to cringe and scream at the sight of them. A female German cockroach carries an egg capsule containing around 40 eggs. She drops the capsule prior to hatching. Development from eggs to adults takes 3-4 months. Cockroaches live up to a year. The female may produce up to eight egg cases in a lifetime; in favorable conditions, it can produce 300-400 offspring.

We have the experience, training, equipment and most effective insecticides for overall flea control. There are literally hundreds of products on the market for flea control on pets and the premises. For successful flea control, infested pets and the premises need to be treated at the same time by a licensed professional.

You may have heard about Termidor Termite Control. More than two million homes in the U.S. have been professionally treated with this undetectable liquid. In the few short years it's been around, it has been proven to be the most effective at completely eliminating termite populations. And now, Termidor is approved for use outdoors to control ants indoors. Chances are that the ants in your house actually have their nest outside - they travel back and forth for food and water. Since they live outside, it makes sense to control them there.

Bakersfield Pest Control is commited to bring the residents of Kern Country the most effective and reliable pest control in the area. B.P.C. provides personalized pest control programs for homes, businesses, schools, and industries.

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