Thieves know they can make a quick buck from reselling or recycling the copper element from your air conditioning unit. Air conditioning units are usually located out of sight, where they can be torn apart within minutes. Alarms trigger and video can record, but not before the damage is done. A thief's ultimate goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible. A Security Cage says, "Too much work and they target an unprotected unit down the street." The sad truth is that the thief makes approximately $40 and the property owner incurs approximately $700 in repairs or even worse, $4,000+ to install and replace an air conditioner.
Our Air Conditioning Cages are made out of 16 gauge steel. Very easy to install and adjusts to fit almost every size A/C unit from residential to commercial. It has a pleasing appearance and can be easily removed for maintenance. Very affordable low cost. Our air conditioner cages tells the copper thief to move down the road. If any product fails due to material defects or workmanship within 1 year of original purchase date, AC Guard will replace the defective item. However, AC Guard shall have no responsibility to the buyer or any third party for any special, secondary, incidental or consequential damages including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, lost profits, or other economic injury due to any defect in products.
The NEW smaller fixed-size cage comes good, better & best. #accage #airconditionerc age #multifamily https://
It's perfect for multi-family. For H, W, & D of 30" or less. #accage #airconditionerc age #hvaclife #hvaccontractor
Announcing new smaller cage (fixed size) perfect for multi-family
Check it out! Perfect for multi-family. *shown with expanded metal option. #accage #airconditionerc age #hvactechnician #hvaccontractor https:// authorized-distr ibutors/
Check out my latest article: 6 Tips to Boost A/C Efficiency via @LinkedIn
Should Your Child Consider a Career in a Trade? via @nextavenue
AC theft & vandalism happens more often than you think. AC Guard can provide attractive affordable peace of mind.…
It's sad that AC theft happens. Deter theives with AC-Guard. #accage #acprotection
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!
AC Guard wishes you a safe and enjoyable #Halloween