Elk Creek Lawn and Tree care offers a range of science-based lawn plans designed to give your lawn the right help at the right time. It helps us create a tailored approach that gives your lawn exactly what it needs to reach its full potential. A flourishing landscape greatly enhances the health and appearance of your property while increasing its value. Elk Creek offers a range of science-based tree and shrub services designed to give your landscape the nutrients, protection and conditions it needs to thrive.
Lawn fertilizer is essential to having a green, uniform and healthy lawn. Keeping a well manicured, beautiful lawn can at times be a difficult and daunting task. Take the stress out of maintaining your lawn. We can provide you with an individual program tailored to meet your needs and you will not be disappointed. Please take the time to walk your property with an Elk Creek representative to find out the quality of service that we give to every customer. Nitrogen is the main nutrient needed for lawns to achieve their optimal appearance and may be supplemented with phosphorous, iron or sulfur in our region.
Do you know what that weed is? Which herbicide to apply or the timing of the treatment? Will the product harm your lawn or leech into plant root zones? If you don't have the answers, Elk Creek Lawn and Tree Care does. Whether you desire a weed free lawn and landscape beds or need control of invasive weeds in native turf areas, we will customize a program best suited for your property. Pre-emergent weed control is applied to the lawn in spring to prevent the germination of summer annual grasses(grassy weeds) and to suppress the growth of broadleaf weeds.
Really, almost anyone can aerate a lawn. But for the homeowner, it is probably not worth the machine rental or hard labor involved to do it themselves. During the spring or fall you may see people canvassing the neighborhood offering the cheapest aerations in town. But is the cheapest service available also the best service for your landscape? Probably not. Are they insured? We have most likely been providing your lawn care and are familiar with your lawns individual needs so allow Elk Creek to perform your core aerations as well.
The Mountain Pine Beetle is the most important insect pest of Colorado’s pine forests and has killed millions of lodgepole and ponderosa pine trees throughout the central and northern mountains as well as the Front Range foothills. We have all seen the destruction as we drive through the high...